Section 1.4: Review for Chapter 1

Studying for a chapter examination is a personal process, one which nobody else can do for you. Simply take the time to review what you have done.

Here are the new terms in Chapter 1.

Addition law of exponents [1.3]… See the whole entry

Section 1.3: Scientific Notation and Estimation

1.3 Outline

  1. Exponential notation (see below)
    1. base
    2. exponent
    3. power or exponential
    4. extended order of operations
  2. Scientific notation (see below)
  3. Calculators
    1. arithmetic logic
    2. algebraic logic
    3. RPN logic
    4. floating-point form
  4. Estimation
  5. Laws of exponents (see below)
    1. addition law
    2. multiplication law
    3. subtractive law
See the whole entry