Section 5.2: Prime Numbers

5.2 Outline

  1. Divisibility
    1. definition
      1. divisor
      2. factor
      3. divides
      4. multiple
    2. number of divisors
      1. divisibility rule for 2
      2. divisibility rule for 3
      3. rules of divisibility for 1-12
    3. finding primes
      1. definitions
        1. prime number
        2. composite number
      2. sieve of Eratosthenes
    4. prime factorization
      1. factoring
      2. prime factorization
      3. fundamental
See the whole entry

Section 1.4: Review for Chapter 1

Studying for a chapter examination is a personal process, one which nobody else can do for you. Simply take the time to review what you have done.

Here are the new terms in Chapter 1.

Addition law of exponents [1.3]… See the whole entry