Section 17.4: Apportionment Paradoxes

17.4 Outline

  1. Introduction
  2. Alabama paradox
  3. Population paradox
  4. New states paradox
  5. Balinski and Young’s impossibility theorem


17.4 Essential Ideas

Alabama Paradox

A reapportionment in which an increase in the total number of seats results in a loss of seats for … See the whole entry

Section 17.3: Apportionment

17.3 Outline

  1. Definition of apportionment
  2. The apportionment process
    1. upper quota
    2. lower quota
    3. standard divisor
    4. standard quota
    5. quota rule
  3. Adams’ plan
    1. definition
    2. modified divisor
    3. modified quota
  4. Jefferson’s plan
  5. Hamilton’s plan
  6. Webster’s plan
  7. Hungtington-Hill plan
    1. arithmetic mean
    2. geometric mean
  8. Summary of apportionment
See the whole entry