Reference Topics 16-4

This is an interactive site discussing matrix operations:

This is an interactive site finding inverse matrices:

This is a nice matrix operation site which also includes Gauss-Jordan elimination: the whole entry

Section 16.4: Inverse Matrices

16.4 Outline

  1. Matrix operations
    1. matrix equation
    2. equality
    3. addition
    4. multiplication by a scalar
    5. subtraction
    6. multiplication
    7. noncomformable
  2. Zero-one matrices
  3. Algebraic properties of matrices
    1. zero matrix
    2. identity matrix for multiplication
    3. main diagonal
    4. additive inverse
    5. multiplicative inverse
    6. properties
      1. commutative
      2. associative
      3. identity
      4. inverse
      5. distributive
  4. Inverse
See the whole entry