Section 10.1: Exponential Equations

10.1 Outline

  1. Exponential equation
    1. definition
    2. evaluate exponentials
  2. Definition of logarithm
    1. notation, logarithm, and argument
    2. common logarithm
    3. natural logarithm
  3. Evaluating logarithms
    1. evaluate
    2. using calculators
    3. change of base
    4. exact solution
  4. Exponential equations
    1. three types
      1. base 10
      2. base e
      3. base b

      2. micometer

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Section 3.1: Deductive Reasoning

3.1 Outline

  1. Terminology
    1. argument
    2. hypotheses/premises
    3. deductive reasoning
    4. valid
    5. logic
    6. symbolic logic
    7. statement
    8. simple statement
    9. operators (connectives)
    10. compound statement
    11. fuzzy logic
    12. law of the excluded middle
    13. truth value of a simple statement
  2. Conjunction
    1. translation: and
    2. definition
  3. Disjunction
    1. translation: or
    2. definition
  4. Negation
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