Section 13.7: Review for Chapter 13

Studying for a chapter examination is a personal process, one which nobody else can do for you. Simply take the time to review what you have done.

Here are the new terms in Chapter 13.

Addition property of probability [13.4]
Bernoulli trial [13.5]
Binomial distribution theorem [13.5]
Binomial experiment [13.5]
Binomial random variable [13.5]
Birthday problem [13.4]
Complementary probabilities [13.3]
Conditional probability [13.3]
Dependent events [13.4]
Dice [13.1]
Die [13.1]
Empirical probability [13.1]
Equally likely outcomes [13.1]
Event [13.1]
Expectation [13.2]
Expected value [13.2]
Experiment [13.1]
Fair game [13.2]
Finite stochastic process [13.4]
Impossible event [13.1]
Independent events [13.4]
Keno [13.4]
Law of large numbers [13.1]
Mathematical expectation [13.2]
Multiplication property of probability [13.4]
Mutually exclusive [13.1]
Odds against [13.3]
Odds in favor [13.3]
Probabilistic model [13.1]
Probability [13.1]
Property of complements [13.3]
Random variable [13.5]
Relative frequency [13.1]
Sample space [13.1]
Simple event [13.1]
Subjective probability [13.1]
Theoretical probability [13.1]
With replacement [13.4]
Without replacement [13.4]

If you can describe the term, read on to the next one; if you cannot, then look it up in the text (the section number is shown in brackets).



Can you explain each of these important ideas in your own words?

Probability by counting [13.1]
Expectation with and without a cost for playing [13.2]
Finding odds (given probability) [13.3]
Finding probability (given odds) [13.3]
Procedure for using tree diagrams [13.3]
Probabilities of unions and intersections [13.4]
Drawing with and without replacement [13.4]
Tree diagrams to find probabilities [13.4]
Probabilities of binomial experiments [13.5]

Next, make sure you understand the types of problems in Chapter 13.


Find empirical probabilities. [13.1]
Find probabilities by looking at the sample space. [13.1]
Decide which of two events is more probable. [13.1]
Find the expectation with a cost of playing. [13.2]
Find the mathematical expectation for a simple event. [13.2]
Find the mathematical expectation for a compound event. [13.2]
Make decisions based on mathematical expectation. [13.2]
Find expectations for roulette. [13.2]
Know the procedure for using tree diagrams to find probabilities. [13.3]
Find the probability of a complement. [13.3]
Find the odds, given the probability. [13.3]
Find the probability, given the odds. [13.3]
Find conditional probabilities. [13.3]
Find the probabilities of unions, intersections, and complements. [13.4]
Find slot machine probabilities. [13.4]
Calculate Keno probabilities. [13.4]
Use tree diagrams to find probabilities. [13.4]
Find binomial probabilities. [13.4]
Answer questions involving applied probabilities. [13.1-13.5]

Once again, see if you can verbalize (to yourself) how to do each of the listed types of problems. Work all of Chapter 13 Review Questions (whether they are assigned or not).

Work through all of the problems before looking at the answers, and then correct each of the problems. The entire solution is shown in the answer section at the back of the text. If you worked the problem correctly, move on to the next problem, but if you did not work it correctly (or you did not know what to do), look back in the chapter to study the procedure, or ask your instructor. Finally, go back over the homework problems you have been assigned. If you worked a problem correctly, move on the next problem, but if you missed it on your homework, then you should look back in the text or talk to your instructor about how to work the problem. If you follow these steps, you should be successful with your review of this chapter.

We give all of the answers to the Chapter Review questions (not just the odd-numbered questions), so be sure to check your work with the answers as you prepare for an examination.