Section 3.3: Operations and Laws of Logic

3.3 Outline

  1. Biconditional, implication, and logical equivalence
    1. definition of biconditional
    2. verifying tautologies
    3. implication
    4. equivalence
  2. Laws of logic
    1. law of double negation
    2. law of contraposition
    3. De Morgan’s laws
  3. Negation of a compound statement
    1. negation of a conditional
    2. language analysis
  4. Miscellaneous operators
See the whole entry

Section 3.2: Truth Tables and the Conditional

3.2 Outline

  1. Constructing truth tables
    1. fundamental operators (and, or, and not )
    2. truth table
    3. law of double negation
  2. Conditional
    1. translation: if p, then q
    2. antecedent
    3. consequent
    4. uses
    5. definition
  3. Translations for the conditional
    1. converse
    2. inverse
    3. contrapositive
    4. law of
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